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Flipline Studios Fanon Wiki

The Goodbye Party is a story created by The Cooking Rockstar.


Roy and Joy are sad because their uncle, Papa Louie, is going away, and they think he is leaving forever. They decide to throw a goodbye party for him, but they get happier when he gives out surprising news.


Speaking Lines[]

  • Papa Louie
  • Roy
  • Joy
  • Taylor
  • Olivia
  • Scarlett

No Speaking Lines[]

  • Jojo
  • Kingsley
  • Duke Gotcha
  • Foodini
  • Captain Cori
  • Pinch Hitwell
  • Vincent
  • Rita
  • Mitch
  • Maggie
  • Alberto
  • Penny
  • Cooper
  • Prudence
  • Chuck
  • Peggy
  • James
  • Willow
  • Utah
  • Scooter
  • Timm
  • Cecilia
  • Carlo Romano
  • Koilee
  • Allan
  • Akari
  • Wylan B
  • Rudy
  • Marty
  • Clover


It was just a normal day at the Pizzeria, until Papa Louie made an announcement. "Roy, Joy, I have an announcement to make. Next week, you won't be seeing me." "WHAT?!" Roy and Joy exclaimed. "That's right," Papa Louie replied. "I am going away!" "That's sad…" Joy said. "We should call people to set up a goodbye party for Uncle Louie," Roy continued. They started making phone calls to people about Papa Louie leaving. "We need to go to Fluffmart to buy the stuff for Uncle Louie's party," Roy told Joy. "Yeah," Joy replied. "Let's go!" They went to Fluffmart to buy the stuff for the party. There were multiple shopping days, and all of the shopping was finished by the day of the party.

Jojo was in charge of making a cake, Kingsley was in charge of setting out silverware, Duke was in charge of setting up regular party games, Foodini was in charge of decorating the room with balloons, Cori was in charge of preparing water, Pinch was in charge of setting up sports-related party games, Vincent was in charge of giving gifts, Rita was in charge of putting on a movie, Mitch was in charge of hanging up streamers, Maggie was in charge of setting up a piñata, Alberto was in charge of making ice cream, Penny was in charge of giving a bouquet of flowers, Cooper was in charge of drawing a special picture, Prudence was in charge of making balloon animals, Chuck was in charge of taking photos, Taylor was in charge of controlling a radio, Peggy was in charge of preparing juice, James was in charge of making bundt cakes, Willow was in charge of making jelly, Utah was in charge of preparing lemonade, Scooter was in charge of preparing soda, Timm was in charge of teaching the people tap dance, Cecilia was in charge of teaching the people ballet, Carlo was in charge of hanging a disco ball, Koilee was in charge of making cookies, Allan was in charge of preparing tea, Akari was in charge of making a special card, Wylan was in charge of teaching the people hip hop dance, and Olivia was in charge of hanging a goodbye banner.

"Joy, you have to wait outside for Uncle Louie," Roy said. "Why?" Joy asked. "We don't want him to catch us getting his party ready, or the surprise would be spoiled!" Olivia replied. "Oh yeah!" Joy exclaimed. "It's a surprise party! Roy, what do YOU want to be in charge of doing at the party?" Roy struggled to answer. "I want to…I want to…I'm not sure!" He was a little disappointed. "Don't worry, Roy!" Olivia said. "I'm sure you'll find something to do!" "Wait…what about Scarlett and the Shakers?" Taylor asked. "Oh yeah!" Roy replied. "They should play a special song for the party!" He then called Scarlett, who was hanging out with Rudy, Marty, and Clover. "Hello, Scarlett speaking!" she answered. "Hello," Roy explained. "Uncle Louie is leaving…" "Wait…Papa Louie is LEAVING?!" Scarlett exclaimed. "That's sad…" Roy passed the phone to Olivia. "We're having a party!" Olivia continued. "We want you and your band to play a special song there! We will be at the Pizzeria!" "A party?!" Scarlett replied. "How fun! We'll be there!" She hung up.

Everyone was finished setting up the party, and Roy still had nothing to do. But then, Olivia saw an uninflated, red balloon. She had confetti in her pockets. She put the confetti inside the balloon. "I know what you should do, Roy!" she exclaimed. "What is it?" Roy asked. "Foodini forgot to inflate this balloon!" Olivia answered. "You should blow it up until it pops! But don't use the helium tank like Foodini did to inflate the other balloons! Use your lungs! This counts as lung training! I also put confetti inside it!" "I am genuinely terrified of balloons popping, but okay…" Roy replied. He started blowing up the balloon.

Joy was still outside, keeping an eye out for Papa Louie. Then, she saw him coming. "Uncle Louie is coming!" Joy yelled. "We're not quite ready!" Olivia said. "Stop him, Joy!" "Okay!" Joy replied. "Hello, Joy!" Papa Louie said. "Why are you outside just standing?" "You can't go inside yet!" Joy exclaimed. "Why not?" Papa Louie asked. Roy continued blowing, and the balloon was getting bigger and bigger. "My eyes!" he exclaimed. "It's getting really close to popping in my face!" "It's a nice day outside, isn't it?" Joy asked. "Yes it is!" Papa Louie replied. "Can I go inside now?" "No!" Joy exclaimed. "It's uh…against the rules!" "What are you talking about, Joy?" Papa Louie asked. He was confused. Roy was shocked by how big the balloon was and how close it was to popping. "It's going to pop in my face any second now!" He blew one more puff of air into the balloon before it popped. It made a loud exploding sound, and the confetti fell on the floor. "Ouch!" he exclaimed. "My ears are ringing!" "Good job, Roy!" Olivia cheered.

"We're ready!" Olivia exclaimed. "You can go inside now!" Joy told Papa Louie. They then walked inside, and the lights were off. "SURPRISE!" everyone cheered, as Olivia turned the lights back on. "Thank you!" Papa Louie said. "But why is there a party for ME?" "We wanted to thank you for being the best chef in the world, so we made you a goodbye party!" Olivia explained. "Because you're leaving forever!" Joy continued. "I'm not leaving forever!" Papa Louie said. "But you said we wouldn't be seeing you," Roy explained. "Oh, Roy!" Papa Louie replied. "All I said was that you wouldn't be seeing me next week! I'm going on vacation!" "Ohhhhh!" everyone said. "I will be staying here for as long as you can imagine!" Papa Louie continued. "I am so glad that you're not leaving forever!" Roy exclaimed. "Hey Papa Louie!" Scarlett said. "Even if you're not leaving forever, we will still play a special song, because every party needs music!" Scarlett and the Shakers then played their song. Everyone had fun at the party.

