Flipline Studios Fanon Wiki
Flipline Studios Fanon Wiki
Completed Fanon
FullSizeRender (3) Papa's Bookeria by Fanofkinopio has been completed! This means that no more elements will be added.

Come take a look! :P

Papa's Bookeria is a fanon game by Fanofkinopio where you as a librarian "serve" books to hungry readers! Only custom workers are available for this game.


You're not working at a restaurant here, but at a library instead! Select the correct books, label them correctly with the correct return dates and customer name then deliver the books to the customer!

Seems easy? After a few ranks (and days) the Returning Room will appear. This is where you drop the borrowed books! So you have to now balance between delivering books and returning books.

Having a bit of trouble? Buy pets to massively buff your library! These cuties offer a variety of buffs that will make your library more awesome. But beware! They will go back to their homes after some time.


The custom worker has headed off for work at Papa's Video Game Store. However, the store has been closed for renovation. Happy that the custom worker doesn't have to work, they go back home, and plays video games for the whole day. The next morning, Papa Lewis arrives at the front door with a new job application for Papa's Curry Mia!. The custom worker agrees, and they head over to Papa's Curry Mia!. Unfortunately, a burglar has stolen all of the cooking materials. Luckily, next door to the restaurant is a library with "Help Wanted" on a window pane. Instantly, the librarian asks the custom worker to work for them while they go on a holiday, much to the custom worker's dismay.


Papa Lewis finally retrieves all of the cooking materials and the custom worker finally stops working at the bookstore.


  • Order Station
  • Book Station
  • Details Station
  • Return Station (Returning Room exclusive only, unlocked at Rank 4)



Bold denotes that they are a local


Bold denotes that they are a closer



Card System[]

Each time a customer is served, there is a chance that they will give a card, which comes in three rarities: Common, Rare or Legendary. Common and rare cards can be used for extra bonuses, while legendary are more powerful.

It is possible to craft several cards of the same rarity to the next. For common to rare it is 3 common cards and from rare to legendary it is 6 rare cards.

Legendary cards can offer Style Bs, clothing, tips and many more. Common and rare offer small buffs such as increased tips, extra points etc.


It is possible to buy pets in this game. Pets offer tremendous buffs, from double tips to guaranteed 100% waiting score. However, these pets cost huge amounts of tips and are only available for a specific period of time before they "leave" the workplace.

Returning Room[]

Since this is set in a library, the returning room is a must. Like a server, the returning room needs an employee. The employee will take orders as usual, but it is for a return book order. Only the Return Station will be used for any returning order. When the books are correctly returned, the customer will leave without scoring points or tips (however increased customers per day compensates this).


When a customer reaches a certain amount of points, their Bond level will increase. They will give more tips and score more points by a specific amount. The max Bond level is 10.

Order Evolution[]

At first, the customer will order one or two books. When a bronze star customer is awarded, the customer will order three books. When a silver star customer is awarded, the customer will order five books. When a gold star customer is awarded, the customer will order six books.


  • This game does not have holidays, badges, specials, the dining room or stickers.
    • They are replaced by three new features, Card System, Bonding and Returning Room. These were created so the game does not get boring by unlocking only books.
  • Order Evolution is present in this game.
  • Pets are also featured, although reworked.
  • The creator had to check every individual name of the book in case of copyright.
Fanofkinopio's fanon pages
Realm of the Toad - Icy Island - Natsukusa
Characters (with pages)
Papa's Freezeria DELUXE Debuts
Ai - Alice - Andy - Axe - Ban - Belle - Ben - Berri - Boey - Candice - Celica - Chester - Dane - Dennis - Diane - Dimitry - Ellie - Eva - Fred - George - Grimlon - Ikebana - Jack - Jade - Jason - Julia - Kaitekai - Ken - Klein - Kumi - Lacey - Lachesis - Leo - Lexy - Li - Lili An - Lily - Lip - Louie - Lucius - Mae - Mandy - Mary - Max - Mex - Minnie - Mr. Nakamura - Nei - Nori - Owen - Papa Lewis (Young) - Penny - Rory - Rox - Roxanne - Roy - Shelly - Sherry - Stile - Susan - Ted - Tei - Tess - Wario
Papa's Pastaria Deluxe Debuts
Christina - Myrrh
Papa's Cupcakeria Deluxe Debuts
Azura - Camilla - Cordelia - Erika - Shiro
Flipline Heroes: Dark Blade Debuts
Hana - Haruki - Taisei - Tori - Yuki
Papa's Curry Mia! Debuts
Aditya - Antonio - Jasmine - Ophelia - Samurai
Papa's Bookeria Debuts
Ash - Bill Smith - Jill Smith - Lill Smith - Mitama - Phil Smith
Flipline Heroes: Family and Friendship Debuts
Anna - Arden - Cameron - Elise - Ewan - Farina - Finn - Gary Stu - Jayson - Jeffrey - Jeorge - Lance - Linda - Lucy - Marcus - Mary Sue - Piga - Rosaline - Sierra - Silvia - Tony - Torrent - Walgo - Wood
Papa's Pizzeria Deluxe Debuts
Astra - Christine - Lovie - Ricki - Sparkle
Papa's Songeria Debuts
Amber - Amethyst - Catria - Citrine - Dusk - Emerald - Est - Hana - Huginn - Jeff - Light - Mikyu - Moon - Muninn - Noha - Onyx - Palla - Ruby - Sapphire - Star - Twilight
Survivor: Mystery Vases Debuts
Adam Cary - Andy - Angela Tan - Bethany Creek - Bianca Fraser - Charlie Bay - Derrick Greenlake - Devin Blaker - Eric Lee - Fiona Lim - Jamie Turn - John Frederick - Lily Tran - Lucy Spencer - Percy Smith - Phillip Jackson - Sakura Hana - Sandra Joh - Sarah Gally - Selena O'Neill
Papa's Wingeria Deluxe Debuts
Flipline Heroes: Drabulti Rush Debuts
Aaron - Abel - Agony - Aiden - Bailey - Bank - Bone - Cain - Caitlin - Catalena - Deville - Dirt - Donny - Dorkas - Eaglesan - Eiriana - Elly - Elwood - Emily - Fynn - Garrett - Greil - Gustav - Hanand - Ignatius - Isabella - Jared - Jasmin - Kassie - Lester - Lowen - Mathew - Mela - Muss - Nergl - Raife - Reimi - Rude - Taz - Thomas - Troy - Vylseth - Wil
Papa's Donuteria Deluxe Debuts
Ilyanna - Marianna
Fanofkinopio's Gacha World 2 Debuts
Songeria Showdown Debuts
Aimee - Bradley - Cherie - Cleo - Darwin - Laila - Leen - Shadou - Woody
Papa's Sushiria Deluxe Refined Debuts
Ellis - Sara
Sweet and Salty Travels Debuts (first appearance links)
Aikila - Alina - Alyssia - Aqua - Ashley - Beth - Bob - Cal - Cara - Casey - Celeste - Chance - Charles - Chez - Dark - Davis - Default - Default - Eleonora - Eric - Eryn - Euden - Felix - Gary - Grace - Hoshi - James - Jett - Joachim - Joseph - Kalis - Katie - Kerry - Kris - Laine - Lara - Lindsay - Lizzy - Madeline - Marilyn - Melody - Mia - Mitsuba - Niki - Noelle - Olivia - Onna - Otoko - Pele - Ray - Rex - Roberts - Samuel - Scott - Shawn - Siren - Stacy - Tammy - Tomboy - Tracy - Tyler - Velocity
A Faceless Realm Debuts
Barry - Khloris - Lavender - Peony - The Fallen Fairy Angel
Papa's Crêperia Debuts
Ayaha - Chis - Grace - Jeanne - Mitsugashiwa - Mitsuhide - Mitsumata - Mitsunari - Mitsuyuki - Nobunaga - Raja - Tsubasa
The Amazing Flipline Race 4 Debuts
Alan - Cody - Felicia - Jamieson - Keisha - Kim - Lea - Sophie - Timothy - Xane
Papa's Bubble Tea Mia! Deluxe Debuts
Belladonna - Benny - Chelsea - Jan - Lapis - Lila - Paul - Zhao
Survivor: Tavuye Debuts
Austin Greene - Brad Morrison - Cassandra Farris - Sammy Day
The Amazing Flipline Race 5 Debuts
Annabell - Arnold - Ava - Carolina - Connor - Edna - Eugene - Gurpreet - Irving - Isabel - Jean-Luc - John - Jolyon - Kacie - Konrad - Lidziya - Lucian - Mandeep - Manuel - Muskaan - Selina - Talitha
Sweet and Salty Travels 2 Debuts (first appearance links)

Abigail - Alfred - Angus - Arthur - Aurelia - Aurelius - Autumn - Bellina - Benjamin - Bernard - Chloe - Colleen - Dallas - Elias - Elina - Emilia - Esther - Fen - Gianna - Greyson - Howard - Jacquelyn - Jason - Jeannie - Jessica - Johnny - Joshua - Jude - Kathleen - Kelly - Leah - Lene - Liam - Lianna - Louise - Luca - Lucia - Luna - Lyn - Michael - Mila - Nico - Oliver - Penelope - Pierre - Raphael - Ronan - Sadie - Serene - Simon - Stevie - Teddy - Tian - Tiana - Tilly - Tobias - Victoria - William - Woody - Wyatt

The Amazing Flipline Race 6 Debuts
Alia - Aran - Awais - Cleo - Corrine - Enrique - Faith - Francesco - Fred - Guy - Jaime - Krista - Mindy - Ned - Nisha - Ravi - Sheldon - Terry - Tristan - Zakia
Survivor: Land of the Wild Debuts Annelise Richardson - Melissa Brown
Papa's Paleteria Defrosted Debuts
Adrian - Becky - Betty - Céline - Curtis - Elyse - Jacqueline - Linus - Mistira - Olive - Plumeria - Verica
The Amazing Flipline Race 7 Debuts
Amelia - Annelise - BJ - Carrie - Chanelle - Daichi - David - Dominika - Harvey - Ichiro - Jakob - Katie - Kurt - Lara - Leanne - Marsha - Mary - Natalie - Natasha - Rex - Sheridan - Silas
Dream and Nightmare Debuts
Akira Nakase - Amane - Chikara - Egor - Fusanosuke Miyazawa - Gen'ichi - Hanae Kanazawa - Hitomi Ohara - Jun'ichiro Watanabe - Kanami Fujimoto - Kikuko Takahashi - Knautia - Linh Nguyen - Megumi Mitarai - Michiyo Kurosawa - Minagata Shop Owner - Motoki Satou - Mr. Egawa - Mr. Fushimi - Mr. Leyland - Mr. Tanemura - Mrs. Kodama - Mrs. Yamafuji - Ms. Okamoto - Ms. Waki - Phobetor - Rin Maekawa - Risa Hiiragi - Safie - Seiji Sakurai - Shizuo Asakura - Taku Hisakawa - Tomoko Ikoma - Yuji Azumi - Yurika Makihara - (Personas)
The Amazing Flipline Race 8 Debuts
Brett - Clay - Dale - Eiki - Elliot - Geraldine - Glen - Gus - Heidi - Karla - Laurence - Lizzie - Marlene - Melinda - Myriam - Myrtle - Nozomi - Ryan - Tessie - Tomas - Victor - Zach
Characters that reference characters from other real-life franchises
Fire Emblem Logo Abel - Azura - Boey - Cain - Camilla - Catria - Celica - Cordelia - Donny - Eiki - Eiriana - Elise - Erika - Est - Heidi - Julia - Lachesis - Lara - Lucius - Mae - Mistira - Mitama - Myrrh - Ophelia - Palla - Shiro
Super Mario Logo Wario
Dragalia Lost Logo Belladonna - Euden - Grace - Joachim - Lapis - Mitsuba - Siren
Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Logo Eleonora - Tsubasa
Persona Logo Egor
Completed (gamerias)
Papa's (C/M)ocktaileria - Papa's Bakeria Deluxe - Papa's Bookeria - Papa's Bubble Tea Mia! Deluxe - Papa's Crêperia - Papa's Cupcakeria Deluxe - Papa's Curry Mia! - Papa's Freezeria Deluxe Refined - Papa's Freezeria DELUXE - Papa's Pizzeria Deluxe - Papa's Scooperia Refined - Papa's Songeria - Papa's Sushiria Deluxe - Papa's Sushiria Deluxe Refined
Completed (other)
Sweet and Salty Travels - The Amazing Flipline Race (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) - Trick or Treat!
Working on (gamerias)
Papa's Paleteria Defrosted
Working on (other)
Dream and Nightmare - Songeria Showdown - Sweet and Salty Travels 2 - The Amazing Flipline Race (9)
Flipline Town - Joint Papa's Burgeria - Papa's Pastaria Deluxe
Discontinued (gamerias)
Around the World with Papa Lewis - Papa's Bubble Tea Mia! - Papa's Donuteria Deluxe - Papa's Wingeria Deluxe
Discontinued (other)
A Faceless Realm - Choose Your Own Adventures - Fanofkinopio's Gacha World - Fanofkinopio's Gacha World 2 - Flipline Chef - Flipline Fan Customers Wiki Staff School - Flipline's Wheel of Fortune! - Flipline Heroes: Dark Blade - Flipline Heroes: Drabulti Rush - Flipline Heroes: Family and Friendship - Sticker Collection - Sugar Scouts - Survivor: Mystery Vases - Survivor: Tropical Paradise - The Amazing Flipline Race (1, 2)
Fanofkinopio's In-terror-gation Competition - Fanofkinopio's Next Chefs 2018
An Evening of Crescendo - Arabian Gala - Azura's Birthday - Cup Day - F-Pop Festival - Fanofkinopio's Birthday - Fiery Fest - Full Bloom Festival - Icy Island's Fruit Festival - J-K-Pop Festival - Lucky Fest - Lunar New Year - Oshogatsu - Oktoberfest - Oomisoka - Singer's Festival - Star's Birth
FanofkinopiOS - Formatting FFCW Pages